
Украинцы, проживающие в Валенсийском автономном сообществе (Comunidad Valenсiana) смогут получить финансовую помощь.

by Marina -- |16/03/2023 |0 Comments | Abogado, Actualidad, Refugiados de Ucrania

Пострадавшие от войны в Украине и не имеющие достаточных финансовых ресурсов, могут оформить денежную помощь в размере до €400 в месяц на взрослого и €100 на несовершеннолетнего ребенка, который находится на содержании, — говорится в официальном сообщении.

Украинские беженцы могут подать заявку на социальные выплаты с 16 марта 2023 года по 31марта 2023 года.

Чтобы получить помощь, нужно:

-иметь прописку (регистрацию) в одном из муниципалитетов Комунидад Валенсиана;

-доказать отсутствие доходов;

– не находиться на содержании и не получать средства от Аппарата экстренной помощи Государственного секретариата по миграции или других официальных благотворительных организаций, которые являются частью Международной системы приема и временной защиты.

Какие нужны документы, чтобы получить социальные выплаты в Comunidad Valenciana.

Чтобы получать ежемесячное пособие нужно предоставить следущющие документы:

-оригинал загранпаспорта или копия страниц;

-решение о предоставлении статуса временной защиты (tarjeta de permiso temporal);

-свидетельство о регистрации по месту жительства (прописка). При наличии несовершеннолетних детей, необходимо предъявить свидетельство о регистрации совместного места жительства;

-номер банковского счета, открытого в Испании

Где и как подать заявку на получение выплат в Испании.

Власти рекомендуют оформлять помощь онлайн, но это тоже можно сделать и лично в офисе PROP.

Как подать заявку в интернете:

-зайти на элетрронный офис Женералитат Валенсиана (GVA)

-открыть загруженный документ и заполнить его. Все документы, которые необходимо предъявить, можно прикрепить к документу PDF;

-для оформления помощи необходимо идентифицировать себя с помощью цифрового сертификата.

Если Вы хотите оформить заявку в офисе PROP, нужно взять с собой все документы и на месте расскажут, как правильно всё оформить.

La Audiencia Provincial de Alicante estima el recurso de apelación presentado por NBA Consulting

by Marina -- |21/06/2022 |0 Comments | Abogado

La Audiencia Provincial de Alicante  en su sentencia anula parcialmente el trabajo realizado fuera de plazo por un Juzgado de Instrucción de Torrevieja . Esto pone de manifiesto la intención de los Tribunales de Justicia  de evitar los retrasos injustificados en los procedimiento penales.

La Audiencia Provincial de Alicante estima el recurso de apelación presentado por NBAConsulting en el marco de un procedimiento de Blanqueo de Capitales.

La Sección nº11 de la Audiencia Provincial de Alicante en su Auto de 26 de mayo de 2022 acaba de estimar el recurso de apelación presentado por la abogada penalista de NBAConsulting, Andrea Aguinaco Alonso, declarando ilegales por extemporáneas las diligencias de pruebas obtenidas sin respetar el plazo legalmente conferido.

El recurso se presentó en el marco de un procedimiento penal seguido en los Juzgados de Torrevieja por presunto delito de Blanqueo de Capitales.

En este sentido, la Ley de Enjuiciamiento Criminal (texto legal que se encarga de regular las reglas del proceso) fija un plazo máximo de 12 meses desde la incoación de la causa para que se desarrolle la investigación judicial. No obstante, consciente el legislador de que existen investigaciones que por su complejidad, el volumen de implicados o diligencias que haya de practicarse en el extranjero (con la consiguiente demora que ello supone), implicaría dejar impunes las más voluminosas o dificultosas causas criminales , concede la posibilidad de que el juez instructor acuerde prórrogas sucesivas por períodos de hasta seis meses sujeto a una única condición, cual es, que dicho juez instructor dicte auto de prórroga antes de que finalice dicho plazo de doce meses, donde motive las razones que hacen necesario mayor tiempo para investigar el/ los delitos que dieron lugar al inicio de la causa.

Pues bien, en el caso que nos ocupa, no se dictó este auto de prórroga de modo que se ordenaron y practicaron pruebas fuera del plazo de 12 meses y, por ende, sin cumplirse las garantías procesales legalmente exigibles.

Entre esas pruebas extemporáneas se encontraba la toma de declaración como investigados de nuestros defendidos. Ante la vulneración del derecho a un proceso con todas las garantías (reconocido en el art. 24 de la Constitución española) y la posible indefensión que ello causaría en los mismos, desde NBAConsulting presentamos los pertinentes recursos de reforma y subsidiario de  apelación, siendo estimado este último por la Audiencia Provincial de Alicante, Sección nº11.

Dicha Sección estima nuestro recurso y las alegaciones expuestas en él y confirma que se practicaron diligencias de investigación fuera del plazo legalmente establecido lo que convierte en ilegales tales diligencias de investigación, entre ellas, la de nuestros defendidos. En consecuencia, resuelve que ha de cerrarse inmediatamente la investigación obligando al juez de instancia a dictar la resolución que proceda (auto de sobreseimiento o de continuación del Procedimiento abreviado ex 779.1 LECrim ) sólo con el material probatorio obtenido hasta la fecha en que se cumplieron los doce meses desde la incoación de la causa.

La Audiencia Provincial de Alicante aplica, por tanto,  la jurisprudencia sentada por el Tribunal Supremo en su reciente sentencia de 3 de noviembre de 2021 como ya lo hicieran Audiencias como la de Madrid, Barcelona o Córdoba, entre otras, y confirma el carácter preclusivo del plazo de doce meses para realizar diligencias de investigación si no se ha dictado el preceptivo auto de prórroga, obligando al juez a concluir la instrucción y tomar una decisión sola y exclusivamente con el material probatorio que figure hasta la fecha de cumplimiento de los doce meses.

Referencias de interés:

  • Tribunal Supremo, Sala Segunda, de lo Penal, Sentencia 836/2021 de 3 Nov. 2021, Rec. 4081/2019.
  • Audiencia Provincial de Alicante, Sección nº11 Elche, Auto 265/2022.

Escrito por abogada de NBA Consulting Andrea Aguinaco Alonso

Why you must make a Spanish Will

by Marina -- |04/04/2022 |0 Comments | Abogado

Most foreign owners of a property in Spain have never thought about how important having a Spanish will is, mainly if they have already signed a will in their countries.

A foreign will is absolutely legal to cover assets in Spain as inheritances are ruled by the national law of the grantor –wherever assets are. However, the heritage is subjected to Spanish Inheritance Tax (only Spanish assets) and in Spain the term of payment is only 6 months.

Then, taking into account these points, if you sign a will in Spain, the inheritance process will be easier, quicker and less complicated for your heirs. Think about the fact that making a foreign will valid to be used in Spain will require of sworn translations, Apostille of the Hague, Probates…lots of documents that may delay the inheritance signature and so the inheritance tax payment. At the end, high expenses, surcharges and penalties.

Signing a Spanish will is one of the easiest and cheapest procedures. You only have to explain to your solicitor the way you want to leave your assets in case of the deceased. Solicitors can give you advice about the legality of the will content to be sure is made according to the Law. Moreover, they can draw a draft of the will in two languages, Spanish and your own language, so you can read it and confirm its content. After approval, your solicitor will arrange an appointment with a notary to make the will official and you will receive a copy to keep in your file of Spanish paperwork.

In conclusion, think about Spanish will as one of the documents you should have after buying a property in Spain.


by Marina -- |10/02/2021 |0 Comments | Abogado, INTERNACIONAL, International, Lawyer

I am British and live in Spain How does Brexit affect me?

Since 1 January 2021, the United Kingdom has ceased to be part of the European Union and has become a non-EU country.

According to the latest update of the National Institute of Statistics, the NIS, some 262,200 British people live in Spain, becoming the fourth foreign nationality, behind only Moroccans, Romanians and Colombians. Of the entire population of foreigners from the United Kingdom residing in our country, one quarter live on the Costa Blanca.

How can I regularize my situation?

British citizens residing in Spain who do not have the registration certificate and have not regularized their status during the transitional period (from 1 February to 31 December 2020), it is essential and urgent that they present their documentation to obtain the residence document in order to obtain legal permanence in our country.

I already have a certificate Do I have to do any formalities?

Citizens who already have a registration certificate do not need to take any further steps and will be able to continue to enjoy their rights without any restrictions. However, it is recommended that they make the change and apply for the new residence document as the latter follows the model established at European level and expressly recognises the status of beneficiaries of the Withdrawal Agreement.

Where and how to present the residence document?

The presentation of the residence document is carried out by telematic means, which streamlines the process and prevents travel to the aliens’ offices.

At NBA Consulting we can advise you and carry out the appropriate procedures to regularize your situation in accordance with the new regulations. Our team of lawyers and advisors will solve any problems you have with your residence permit, always according to your interests.

NBA Consulting, lawyers in Torrevieja.


by Marina -- |29/07/2020 |0 Comments | Abogado

As it is common knowledge, last January 31, 2020, the United Kingdom left the European Union, given a transition period that will finish next December 31, 2020, under Agreement on the withdrawal of United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the European Union.

Last July 4, 2020, in turn, an Instruction prepared by the General Directorate of Migrations and the General Directorate of the Police was published. This document establishes the basis of the procedure to be followed to get the residence document for British citizen who have fixed their residence in the Spanish territory in accordance with Article 18.4 of the aforementioned Withdrawal Agreement and its requirements. We will then try to answer the questions that might rise in relation with this Instruction.

If I have the European Union citizen registration certificate, will it still be valid after the end of the transition period? 

  • The registration certificates (commonly called “green cards” or “tarjetas verdes”), that British citizens have obtained before the beginning of the transition period, will continue to be valid and sufficient to prove the legal stay in Spain, although the possibility of requesting the residence document is considered, that is, the EU citizen registration certificate can be changed for the residence document.

In which cases can the change from this certificate to the residence permit can be requested?

  • Several assumptions are foreseen:
  • British citizens who have an EU registration certificate and who have not reached 5 years of legal residence in Spain.

They can apply, before the Police, for the residence document which will have 5 years-validity.

  • British citizens who have an EU registration certificate and who have reached 5 years of legal residence in Spain.

They can apply, before the Police, for the residence document which will have 10 years-validity. In this case, the residence will have consideration of permanent residence.

  • British citizens who have the permanent EU registration certificate.

They can apply, before the Police, for the document of permanent residence, which will have 10 years-validity.

If I do not have the registration certificate, do I have to apply for the residence document? 

  • British citizens who do not have an EU registration certificate, must apply for the residence document, either at the Foreigners’ office of the province in which they live, or electronically. This document which will have a 5 years-validity.

Given that after the end of the transition period the United Kingdom will have the status of a third country, outside the EU, if the residence document is not obtained, there is a risk of being in an irregular situation.

Does it apply to relatives of British citizens?

  • The scope of the Instruction includes both, the interested parties and their relatives, who may also request the residence document.

If I plan to enter Spain after the transition period, what period do I have to regularize my situation?

  • Those citizens who plan to enter Spain once the transition period ends, that is, from January 1, 2021, will have a period of three months to request the residence document.

From NBA Consulting we advise you to consult a lawyer specializing in this area in order to analyze each case, and manage and process the residence permit.

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