by Marina -- |10/02/2021 |0 Comments | Abogado, INTERNACIONAL, International, Lawyer

I am British and live in Spain How does Brexit affect me?

Since 1 January 2021, the United Kingdom has ceased to be part of the European Union and has become a non-EU country.

According to the latest update of the National Institute of Statistics, the NIS, some 262,200 British people live in Spain, becoming the fourth foreign nationality, behind only Moroccans, Romanians and Colombians. Of the entire population of foreigners from the United Kingdom residing in our country, one quarter live on the Costa Blanca.

How can I regularize my situation?

British citizens residing in Spain who do not have the registration certificate and have not regularized their status during the transitional period (from 1 February to 31 December 2020), it is essential and urgent that they present their documentation to obtain the residence document in order to obtain legal permanence in our country.

I already have a certificate Do I have to do any formalities?

Citizens who already have a registration certificate do not need to take any further steps and will be able to continue to enjoy their rights without any restrictions. However, it is recommended that they make the change and apply for the new residence document as the latter follows the model established at European level and expressly recognises the status of beneficiaries of the Withdrawal Agreement.

Where and how to present the residence document?

The presentation of the residence document is carried out by telematic means, which streamlines the process and prevents travel to the aliens’ offices.

At NBA Consulting we can advise you and carry out the appropriate procedures to regularize your situation in accordance with the new regulations. Our team of lawyers and advisors will solve any problems you have with your residence permit, always according to your interests.

NBA Consulting, lawyers in Torrevieja.

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